Why Your Home's Online Listing Photos Are Super Important

open floorplan with a den

Online Home Photos Can Attract (or Repel) Potential Buyers

One of the first things most people do when looking for a new home is to google homes in the area they want to buy. If your home pops up in the results with photos that aren't top-notch, it may cause potential buyers not to be interested. That's why home staging and online photos (that look amazing) should be one of the top priorities on your list.

A picture is worth a thousand words, or in this case, possibly thousands of dolla dollas! So, it's super important for your home's online photos to be crisp, clear, appeal to the majority, highlight its best features and the list goes on and on. 

People are drawn to high-quality, bright photos and that can immediately spark interest to come and see your home in person. If your images are dark, blurry or low quality - even if your home is stunning - it will be hard for people to see just how lovely your home is and they probably won't want to see it in person.

We're here to help ensure that your house's online listing images attract the right people to stop by and see your listing! Below are several things to remember when preparing your home for online photos.

Tips for Great Online Photos of Your Home

kitchen table and chairs - Why Your Home's Online Listing Photos Are Super Important

Start by Decluttering

It's time to channel your inner Marie Kondo, start throwing out things, and make a few Goodwill trips. Doing this will be a big help when you begin to pack your things to move into your next home. The less you have to pack and then unpack in your new home, the better.

Remove Personal Items and Knick-Knacks

It's best to have counter spaces and shelves clutter-free. Remove everyday items from kitchen counters - like the coffee maker and blender. In the bathroom, put away your medicines and hygiene products. Remove personal photos of your family, pets and friends.

As much as you love the snow globe you got from your trip to Niagra Falls, others don't have the same sentimental attachment to it. The piles of paper and stacks of shoes, it's time to put them away.

This doesn't mean that things have to be boring and sterile by any means. Small vignettes that look tasteful and accessorize the room are more appealing to "everyone"”

Prepare Your Home with A Deep Clean

beautiful bedroom overlooking the water

Next, it's time to deep clean your home. We're not talking about breaking out the pledge and vacuuming and mopping. It's time to ensure every nook and cranny of your home shines like the top of the Chrysler building. From ceiling fans to baseboards - everything.

Stick to A Neutral Color Palette

Use neutral colors on the walls and rooms. Your favorite color could be orange with yellow polka dots - and that's awesome! - but that's probably not the majority of people's faves.

Sticking with a neutral color palette tones colors down a bit and is easier for someone to look past and imagine their style in the home. Again, that doesn't mean it has to look like a white-walled room that’s super boring. Using accessories that have pops of color, plants and mirrors can do WONDERS for home aesthetics.

Clean Around the Outside of The Home

Since pictures will be taken from all angles in your home, there are bound to be images where you can see windows. That means that whatever is beyond that window can be seen.

Ensure that there are no trash cans, kid's toys, or other things that could be an eye soar and ruin your image. And having a well-manicured and kept yard is another plus for your photos and your home's curb appeal.

Use Common Sense

den with couch and built in shelves - Why Your Home's Online Listing Photos Are Super Important

Put the toilet seats down, lol! This is another one that's a no-brainer, but there are many times that homes are photographed with the toilet seat up. There's no way to hide a toilet from an image, so keeping the lid down is a simple way to make it look as best it can. Paying attention to the bathroom is important so be sure to have a look at our blog post on bathroom staging.

Preparing Your Home for Listing Photos - Hire a Home Stager

Home staging professionals know what to do when it comes to staging your home and highlighting its best features. They'll take any guesswork out of what must be done to prepare your home for its photo shoot.

Contact us today to learn more about our home staging services and how we can help you. We know what works and what doesn’t.

Speaking of Listing Photos - Hire a Professional Photographer

This one might seem like a "well, duh!" but the last thing you want is to get your home in tip-top picture-perfect shape and then take photos from your phone. Great images depend on the right angle, the right amount of light and varying other factors that a professional photographer knows how to capture.

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We hope this helped you realize the importance of having nice, professional photographs for your home’s online photos. It can help speed up the entire selling process if done correctly.

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