The Best Home Staging Tips - Staging a Home Office

beautiful home office

Welcome to our new series called ‘The Best Home Staging Tips’ where we’ll highlight different things about, you guessed it, the best home staging tips! This will be our first one on staging a home office.

It's essential to stage high-traffic rooms since those are the rooms where family members and friends congregate the most. But staging a home office is right up there. Below are some of the best home staging tips for staging a home office and many of the strategies our team uses.

During the height of Covid, many people began working from home; some are still skipping the commute and opting to keep doing that. Highlighting a home office for potential buyers is important so they can envision themselves being able to work from home efficiently and comfortably.

Keep Things Organized, Tidy and Decluttered

If a home office is cluttered, it can look much smaller, giving the impression that working from home might not be a good fit. Ensuring everything has a home on and around your workspace is a great place to start. Be sure to arrange books, papers, and any other office decor in an aesthetically pleasing way.

Staging a Smaller Room to Be a Home Office

small desk and chair with a big plant and area rug

Most of the time, people will turn a smaller bedroom or room into an office, so maximizing space and functionality to the fullest is important. One of the best ways to do that is practical storage solutions that keep the room tidy, organized and uncluttered.

Built-in shelving is a great way to keep things organized and doesn't take up extra room. Having file cabinets under a desk or in the room's closet is another key way not to waste space.

Lighting and Decor

Natural light and the proper lighting can open up any room! Use natural and artificial light to keep the office well-lit. Nobody wants to work in a dark room. The window treatments shouldn't hinder any of the light that can come through.

Try to keep the color scheme and decor throughout the house in the office as well so the flow doesn't start to feel off. A great plant or greenery is a great way to brighten any space. Especially an area you're working in.

Office Equipment and Tech

beautiful office styled very elegantly and clean - Staging a Home Office

Ahhhh, wires. We're all about making sure we can hide those bad boys and an office is where we can tend to have the most. Having enough accessible outlets is a plus. You can always use a surge protector with more room for plugs and/or small hubs for consolidation. Hiding wires has gotten easier now, too, with all the cable management solutions you can do now.

Strategically placing your printers, computer and other smart technology to maximize productivity and efficiency is another thing to be mindful of. Setting it up in a way that makes sense for you can also spark ideas for the potential buyer.

Use Properly Sized Furniture when Staging a Home Office

black and white decorated office with greenery

Using too much furniture in a room can make it look cramped. Ensure the furniture you use isn't oversized for the room's space. Again, that can make the room feel small and much less spacious.

Having a focal point like a great desk or piece of art allows a potential buyer to feel more connected to the potential office space. Showing off the room's versatility helps them imagine their work setup working well there, too.

And having an ergonomic chair will remind them they can be comfortable and good to their body, even while working.

Looking for Home Staging Services in Charleston, Sc?

We’re here to help you take all of this off your plate! We know what makes staging a home successful and what doesn’t.

Contact us to learn more about our home staging services and how we can help you sell your home faster, for more money and with less stress!

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Staging a home office is easy! Hopefully, the tips and ideas above will make it even easier to do. Can you think of any we might have left off? Let us know in the comments below!

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