Why Staging with Neutral Colors Is so Important

gorgeous den decorated in neutral tones and pops of color

Advantages of Staging with Neutral Colors

Your daughter's favorite colors might be hot pink and yellow, which show throughout her room. And we're not here to knock it - we LOVE some bright, fun colors! But the goal is to sell your home quickly.

The easiest way to do that is to ensure it appeals to most people. We're sharing our thoughts on the importance of home staging with neutral colors!

We're all about being creative and decorating your home exactly how you want to! After all, that's your sanctuary. Your safe place, and it's where you should feel most comfortable. But it's better to stay safe and stick to more neutral colors that appeal to most potential buyers.

Appeals to A Wide Range of Potential Buyers

kitchen table and chairs and view of kitchen island - Why Staging with Neutral Colors Is so Important

If you stick with neutral colors, more people will likely like that better than blue with purple polka dots. The goal is to sell your home, sell it quickly, and (at the least) for the asking price. It's better to play things safe than sorry. The cost of repainting a room in a neutral shade could be the difference of leaving a lot of money on the table.

Neutral Hues Make It Easier for A Buyer to Visualize Their Style

living room set up with chairs, small tables and artwork

Having walls, furniture and accessories in more neutral hues helps minimize distractions. It allows buyers to imagine their furniture and personal belongings in this house.

You can easily add pops of colors against a more neutral blank canvas when staging. You want to be careful to keep it limited and not too overwhelming for potential buyers.

Gives Perception of Cleanliness

home office set up - Why Staging with Neutral Colors Is so Important

Keeping things toned down and not overbearing can give off the perception that the house is clean. It gives the buyers peace of mind that the previous owners have maintained the property well.

Better for Online Photos

shot from kitchen overlooking den - Why Staging with Neutral Colors Is so Important

Most people look at houses online before they even think about going to see them in person. It's easier to show off the home and its features. Overwhelming or super bold color schemes can be distracting. You want online photos to create a connection with the buyer so they'll go and see the home in person.

Creates a More Cohesive Look


If there are different color schemes and styles from room to room, those inconsistencies can disrupt a home’s flow. It can start feeling disjointed and lack harmony. You want people to feel a sense of calm and cozy when they are looking at the home.

Easier to Stage Furniture Against a Neutral Palette


Whether you're staging your home yourself or having a professional staging company do it for you, sticking to a neutral color palette makes it easier to use any type color of furniture.

Almost anything goes with a neutral palette: dark or light furniture, window treatments and other home accessories. Pillows and comforters will be easier to match things to as well.

Buyers Can Focus on The Home's Selling Points and Features


If potential buyers have to scratch their heads and wonder how their furniture will go with the bright unicorn mural on the wall, it may be too hard for them to get past.

Having the least distractions will allow buyers to focus solely on its features.

Rooms Appear to Be Larger


Yep! That's right! Light and neutral-painted rooms can appear bigger, brighter, and more airy, creating a perception that the room is more spacious.

Looking for Home Stagers in Charleston, Sc?


We’d love to talk to you about our home staging services and how we can help you! Contact us to learn more about how we can help save you time, money and stress.

Pin Me 📌 the Importance of Staging with Neutral Colors

The pictures in this post are one of our favorite examples of starting with a neutral color palette and adding gorgeous pops of color throughout each room. We're ALL ABOUT adding personality to rooms using appropriate home accessories.

And when you move into your new home, you can decorate it any way you want! Unicorn mural and all 😉


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