The Best Home Staging Tips - Staging a Bedroom


We're back with another blog post for our 'The Best Home Staging Tips' series. This one is about staging a bedroom and the best tips and tricks to keep in mind when doing it!

Below are 10 tips to help make your bedroom look and feel like a comfy cozy room that anyone would want to catch a couple of Z's in.

1 - Start with A Deep Clean and Decluttering


I know, I know! We say it all the time. But having your home deep cleaned and decluttered is one of the first things you can do when it comes to staging your home.

You can start decluttering the bedrooms by removing all personal items (pictures, awards, personal hygiene products and any other clutter). This helps potential buyers envision themselves living in that space. When you're deep cleaning, thoroughly clean every surface - windows, baseboards, closets, floors, the works.

Bedroom Staging Tip 2 - Make Sure Furniture Fits Correctly


This is a big must! Too much furniture (in any room) can make the room feel small and cramped. You want to make sure the furniture you use complements the room's size and style.

Depending on the size of the room:

  • Add a bedside table or nightstand on both sides of the bed to create balance and symmetry.

  •  Add a small desk or vanity.

  •  Create a reading nook with a comfy chair, small table and floor lamp.

3 - Open, Clear Floorspace


You want the bedroom to feel spacious and airy. Be sure there is plenty of room to walk around the bed and furniture. Make use of under-bed storage solutions. Use cord and cable organizers to hide cords.

Bedroom Staging Tip 4 - Clean, Organized and Functional Closet


Everyone wants plenty of room for clothes, shoes and storage in their closet. Maximizing this space is an excellent way for a potential buyer to see their stuff in the closet.

While your cleaning and purging, be sure not to miss the closet. Get rid of the things you haven't worn in forever and know you won't wear them anytime soon (and donate them to Goodwill or someone who needs them).

Keep things super organized and cohesive by using matching hangars and neatly folding things. This helps the potential buyer see the possible storage the closet spaces have.

And be sure to keep dirty clothes out of site. Use a cute, stylish hamper to keep things hidden.

5 - Window Treatments and Lighting


Stick to neutral colors and window treatments that complement the colors and style of the furniture in the room.

We talk about taking advantage of natural light in your rooms; the bedroom is no different. Keep the blinds or curtains open during showings and let that light in!

Make use of soft lighting with bedside lamps and floor lamps. This creates a warm and inviting space.

6 - Neutral Wallcolors


Sticking to our love of a neutral color palette (when it comes to staging), be sure to repaint the room if a color doesn't match the furniture or can distract a potential buyer from connecting with the home. A little bit of paint can go a really long way when it comes to staging your home.

If the room has outdated, torn or ripped wallpaper, you know what we're going to say. Bust out that paint and refresh the walls.

Bedroom Staging Tip 7 - Make the Bed the Focal Point of The Room


People spend a LOT of time in their bedroom sleeping so making sure the bedroom is staged just right is key! Use nice, high-quality bedding - pillows, comforters, blankets, throws and accent pillows. Make sure the pillows are arranged with symmetry and in an appealing way.

Be sure to have your bed positioned against the wall. This opens the room up and gives you more space.

Mirrors and Wall Art


Hang up art and mirrors that complement the style and color scheme of the room. Make sure it's hung correctly and at the correct height. Full-length mirrors can make a room feel larger and more spacious.

Replace Anything That's Broken


If the hardware hasn't been updated since 50 years ago when the original owners ought it, think about updating it. That also goes for anything that's broken. Inspect doorknobs, any handles, light bulbs, and light switches.

Make sure that closet doors and bedroom doors can open all the way smoothly and without creaking.

Finishing Touches to Stage a Bedroom


Use nontoxic candles or essential oils when you're showing the room. Fresh scents and aromas can create a better atmosphere.

Add some fresh flowers to perk up any room. And keep the room at a comfortable temperature.

Charleston, SC Home Staging Services


If you plan on selling your home, we'd love to talk to you about our home staging services and how we help sell your home for more money and in less time. Call or fill out our home staging consult form today. We look forward to speaking to you soon!

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