The Ultimate Checklist for Master Bedroom Closet Staging

*tackling master bedroom closet staging - best practices

When it comes to staging your home for a successful sale, it's all about the details. At Southern Staging SC, we understand the importance of showcasing your property in the best light without overwhelming you with unnecessary tasks. 

While many stagers might insist on clearing out every closet and cabinet, we take a more practical approach. We believe in going the extra mile while maintaining a sense of balance. 

Of course, it's beneficial to declutter your living spaces, but we want to make sure the home selling process is smooth and easy. Our primary focus is on the main transformations that significantly impact your home so that it looks its absolute best.


living room that's modern and clen - The Ultimate Checklist for Master Bedroom Closet Staging

However, one exception to this rule is the Master Bedroom closet(s). These spaces can reflect the homeowner's lifestyle and can often be scrutinized by potential buyers. 

Keeping them spacious, neat, and organized is essential. The more organized you appear, the more homebuyers will perceive your property as well-cared-for and desirable.

Below is a checklist to use when decluttering your Master Bedroom closet.

1. Declutter

Begin by packing away anything you haven't used or worn in the last four months. Typically, this accounts for about 80% of our wardrobe.

2. Seasonal Thinking

Consider the weather and upcoming special events when deciding what to keep accessible. This process should be straightforward.

3. Categorize

living room that is staged and you can see through the windows - The Ultimate Checklist for Master Bedroom Closet Staging

Group your clothing by item type, starting with shirts, blouses, jackets, skirts, and lastly, pants (if you have a walk-in closet, place pants at the back). Separate His and Hers sections for ease of access.

4. Organize by Color

In order to create an appealing visual display within each category, arrange items by color.

5. Uniform Direction

Ensure that each item faces the same direction, away from the door, for a cohesive and tidy appearance.

6. Shoe Storage

Use a rack on the floor to organize your shoes neatly.

7. Clear the Shelf

Remove and pack away any items on top of the closet shelf to maintain a clean and open look.

8. Accessory Organization

Utilize matching boxes or baskets on the closet's top shelf to store loose items like belts and scarves.

look from a living room into a kitchen

9. Consider Enhancements

Elevate the aesthetics of your closet with inexpensive hat boxes or nesting boxes for accessories. Invest in wood or matching hangers for a unified appearance.

10. Closet Organizers

Explore options like closet organizers, which are now available at Target and can be very appealing to potential homebuyers.

11. Brighten It Up

beautiful kitchen in a home - The Ultimate Checklist for Master Bedroom Closet Staging

As closets often lack natural light, ensure your artificial lighting is extra bright by replacing bulbs and cleaning fixtures.

Remember, it's much easier to part with unused items today than to unpack them in your new home tomorrow. Think of this staging process as the ultimate spring cleaning—a fresh start for you and your potential buyers.

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