Be Sure to Deep Clean Before Staging Your Home

Whether you're hiring a professional to stage your home or doing it yourself, you'll need to thoroughly deep clean before staging your home. Paying attention to all the details is essential for such a big undertaking.

Having a home that has been well maintained, cleaned and taken care of through the years is something that potential homeowners will want to see.

Every area of the house is important to clean and not skimp on, but these are seven areas to pay close attention to. They can make a big difference in the way your home is presented.

Thoroughly Clean Appliances

Make sure to wash all appliances like the stove, refrigerator and dishwasher. If they are stainless steel, get smudges and fingerprints off. When done, you should be able to get them to be sparkling and looking new.

Light Fixtures

If you're not replacing your light fixtures with new ones, remove, wash and clean the current ones. Bugs and dust can collect in them and be super noticeable. And nobody wants to see that.

Pristine Floors

Consider bringing in a professional depending on the amount of wear and tear that’s happened to your floors. Dirty or stained carpets and flooring is a HUGE turnoff to a potential buyer.

If you do it yourself, remove all stains, repair broken steps, hardwoods, etc. Vacuum and mop thoroughly. Remember to get the corners and in between the walls and carpets. These are often overlooked and are a must.

Recarpeting or new flooring might be a better way to go if they are in terrible shape.


The bathrooms are one of your home's most important rooms to completely and thoroughly clean. Deep cleaning the toilets, sinks and showers are an absolute must. Be sure to get any soap scum and mildew out of the shower area if there is any.

Cleaning the grout and corners of the bathrooms can make things look new again. And that can go a long way with a potential home buyer.


Pay attention to the baseboards! Over time, they can become dusty, grungey and dirty. Hot soap and water are among the easiest ways to ensure you get them as clean as possible.

You may even want to repaint them after you're done cleaning them. Repainting them after being cleaned is an easy way to freshen up every room! There's nothing like a coat of paint, and it's so easy to do!

Streak Free Windows

We mention letting in natural light in almost every blog post, so you know we'll have windows on our deep cleaning list. Make sure to clean them so they are streak-free. One of the goals is to have as much natural light as possible coming in, and no one wants to see a bunch of spots and fingerprints on a house they might buy!

Laundry Room

Last but not least is the laundry room. Make sure to vacuum thoroughly (including the ceiling and walls), as lint can collect on every surface of the room. Be sure to wipe down all the inside and outside of all cabinets where detergents were.

Home Staging Charleston, SC

At Southern Staging, SC, we’re here to help you. We’d love to talk to you more about our staging services and how we can help you save time, stress and sell your home for more money! Contact us today to learn more!

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Once you’ve done this, you’ll be ready to really get down to business and begin the staging process. Starting with a (literal) clean slate will only make things easier for you.

Can you think of any other things we might have missed? Let us know in the comments below!


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